Food allergy and food intolerance
Food allergies
The immune system in the body makes antibodies to certain proteins in the diet (for example, those in milk). Because the body produces these antibodies, disease symptoms are likely to occur.
Well-known food allergies are: cow milk allergy, gluten allergy (celiac disease), peanut allergy and soya allergy.
Food intolerance
In this case, the immune system does not respond by giving off to antibodies. The food itself causes the symptoms.
Most well-known of this category is the lactose intolerance. In this case, the lactose (milk sugar) can’t be broken down in the intestines, because the enzyme lactase is lacking. This caused all kinds of problems, such as flatulence and diarrhea.
Being allergic to something basically means that a particular product can cause some complaints. These symptoms can range from itching and to severe shock reactions.
Products that can cause such types of reactions are called allergens. So, there are also food allergens. The most common ones are: peanuts, egg, cow milk, certain fruits, fish, tomato and nuts.
The role of the dietitian
After a blood or skin test, the dietitian can make an appropriate diet with the results. The nutrient to which you have the allergy, will be eliminated and replaced by an equivalent product so that you won’t have a shortage .
If there is only one food allergy, the diet can be followed quite well, but in the case of multiple food allergies it will get harder. Frequent counseling with support is very important here, to ensure a complete nutrition intake.
With what can we help you?
If you suffer from a food allergy or intolerance, you've come to the right place. We have a lot of experience with it! We can help you with all sorts of food allergies like cow milk allergy, chicken protein allergy, wheat allergy, peanut allergy, soy allergy, cross-allergy (e.g. birch pollen allergy may cause an allergy to stone fruits) and intolerances like lactose intolerance. In some cases, we’ll start with an elimination diet and we’ll gradually expand the nutrition so that we can see where there are and aren’t emerged any reactions.
Together we’ll look which products can be best avoided in your diet to reduce or to get rid of your symptoms. We’ll also look which products are actually right for you. We’ll discuss your current diet to advise as good as possible. It does happen sometimes that some products, of which you think that they don’t give complaints, still contain the relevant allergen. Furthermore, we’ll assist you with adjusting your diet by providing all kinds of practical tips and product choices so that you can vary in your diet.