Cooperation partners
We provide care in collaboration with various disciplines (also in one building) and are affiliated to several chain care programmes in Amsterdam and Amstelveen. We also provide care to various care homes on location. Home visits are no problem for us!
Physiotherapy practices:
Centrum voor Fysiotherapie en Fysiotraining
GLI Slimmer
Chain care:
Zorg voor Zuid
Amstelland Zorg
Eldery houses
Klaasje Zevenster
Nieuw Vredeveld
Huis a/d Poel
Arkin Ouderenkliniek Amstelveen
We are members of:
- NVD (Dutch Dietist Association)
- NKD (Network of Primary Dieticians for Children)
- ParkinsonNet
- Quality Register
- The COPD-CHAGZ Working Group
- Dietists Primary line Vulnerable Elderly People (DEKO)
- Network of 1st line dieticians Amsterdam (Pact Gezond Gewicht (Healthy Weight Pact))