Eating disorders

What does an eating disorder mean?
If someone is suffering from an eating disorder, it means that that person is constantly conscious about his/her eating and body weight. The consequence of this is that one can no longer function normally.
There are three types of eating disorders:
Anorexia Nervosa
It’s characterized by a dominant striving to lose weight. This is expressed in not wanting to eat, extreme weight loss, amenorrhea*, dry skin, dry hair, sometimes hypotrichosis**, an urge to exercise and moods of Bulimia.
Periodic binge eating and excessive preoccupation with food at an abnormal eating pattern (including large amounts), alternating with heroic efforts to lose weight.
Binge Eating Disorder
It’s characterized by binge eating without serious attempt to lose weight.
*Amenorrhea: absence of menstruation.
** hypotrochosis: a complete absence of or minimal hair growth.
The role of the dietitian
The treatment of a dietitian in the case of an eating disorder, is often combined with a treatment by a psychologist or psychotherapist. The role of the dietitian is to change the eating habits and adjust the diet.
What can we help you with?
We can give you some insight into the recommended daily quantities and its importance. You’ll get lots of product information and practical tips.
Together we discuss the consequences of your current eating habits. We will help you to understand the relationship between food and your feelings. Also, we will guide you to change your attitude to food so that situations of binge eating or of just not eating can be prevented. Together we will look at how you can maintain your new lifestyle, even though this will have ups and downs. Coaching and periodic review consultations with one of us can support you in this.