Celiac disease
What does celiac disease mean?
Celiac disease means that you can’t eat gluten. That’s why celiac disease is often called a gluten intolerance. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut and in most oats.
For people with celiac disease, foods with gluten causes damage to the lining of the small intestine. Because of this, the intestine can’t do its work well.
Eventually the intestinal wall can be severely damaged, which can cause problems to the absorption of nutrients. This can cause symptoms such as unintentional weight loss, anemia, tiredness, depression and/or crying a lot, lacking of growth in length, delayed puberty, infertility, moodiness, general feeling of illness and osteoporosis.
The role of the dietitian
The dietitian has an important role in case of celiac disease. After diagnosing you, we can guide you in changing to a gluten-free diet. The treatment of celiac disease seems quite simple, namely following a gluten-free diet. Yet it’s not as easy as it seems. It’s important to know what you’re still allowed to eat.
In what products can you find gluten?
You can find gluten in products that are made from grains. Think of bread, crackers, pizza, pasta, breadcrumbs, biscuits, cakes and pies. But gluten is also hidden in products of which you don’t necessarily expect it. For example, in the ingredients of soups (binder, vermicelli or meat), in sauces, some candy, ice cream and beer.
With what can we help you?
During the dietary guidance, we can give you all kinds of advice for e.g. when shopping to read labels, tips on preparing food, tips for gluten-free baking and cooking and tips for special occasions such as holidays, parties, restaurant visits and birthdays.
But we can also give you advice that parents can use to tell group leaders of the nursery or the teacher at school. Because you find gluten everywhere: in treats, but also for example in clay, finger paint and glue.