What are bedsores?
When you sit of lay in the same posture for a long time, the flow of the blood in your body decreases. This makes it possible that there’s not enough oxygen in some parts of the skin and the tissue underneath. This especially happens in places where the bones and joints are just below the skin. In this way, superficial to deep wounds can be developed. Also by sliding or slipping in bed or in a chair can break down the skin. The heels and tailbone are places where sores can arise easily.
If you often lay in bed, sit on a chair or you’ll soon have to stay in bed for a long time because of a surgery, the risk of getting bedsores (decubitus) is high.
People with bedsores often also have a poor nutritional status. This is why the skin is much more vulnerable.
The role of the dietitian
The role of the dietician is reducing the risk of developing bedsores by getting rid of the reduced nutritional status. The dietitian is the person to ensure that the healing is improved rapidly. By giving specific dietary advises, focused on more protein and energy, the wound will heal quickly. Based on the stage of the wound, the dietician will calculate how much protein and energy is needed.
What can we help you with?
To ensure that your bedsore heals, we’ll look together with you at your nutritional status and the severity of the bedsore. Based on this information we’ll calculate your protein and energy need and give you advice on Vitamins A, C and E and minerals Fe (iron) and Zn (zinc). In addition, it’s important that you drink enough; 1½-2½ liters per day.
If it fails to get enough protein and energy from regular foods, we’ll discuss the possibilities for special dietary foods.