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Elderly care/ frail elderly

What are frail elderly?

When we’re talking about elderly care, we actually mean the frail elderly. Frail elderly are people who are known at the general practitioner with one or more disorders. Food will get more important for the quality of life of aging people. Optimization of the nutrition ensures that the risk of malnourishment is being delayed and that diet-related complaints are being reduced.
Dental care is also an important part of elderly care. Poor dental health can have serious consequences, such as malnourishment, inflammation, pain and taste disturbances.
One of our dieticians has been involved in the development of the protocol "Frail Elderly".

The role of the dietitian

The guidance of a dietitian includes giving information about a healthy, varied and suitable diet. Also giving advices and instructions on how to cook well, easily and healthy can be part of the guidance. In addition, the dietician can give information and instructions regarding the improvement of the nutritional status and muscle mass.

What can we help you with?

One of our dieticians has been involved in developing the protocol "Frail Elderly". This makes us one of the first to be informed of any new developments.
A personal nutritional advise is necessary to improve your nutritional status. In doing so, the increase in your body weight and the improvement or the maintenance of your lean body mass (muscle mass) are of great importance to the quality of your life. If improving your nutritional status isn’t possible, we’ll discuss how we can ensure the quality of your diet as much as possible.

In what cases do you need a dietician as a vulnerable elderly?
  • If using five or more different medications.
  • In case of malnutrition (cachexia, sarcopenia and/or wasting).
  • If you suffer from one of the diseases listed below, with a high risk of a poor nutritional status/malnourishment
    1. COPD
    2. Decubitus ulcers (bedsores) and/or wounds
    3. Chewing and/or swallowing difficultiesStomach and intestinal problems
    4. Metabolic diseases (including diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis)
    5. After hospitalization or serious diseases
    6. Neurological disorders such as ALS, MS, Parkinson's disease and dementia
    7. Oncology (cancer)
    8. Before and after surgery
    9. Or in combination with other disorders