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Diabetes Mellitus

What does diabetes mean?

Diabetes is also called a sugar illness. The official name is diabetes mellitus.
In case of diabetes mellitus, the body can no longer adhere the blood sugar well. Normally the body regulates blood sugar levels very precisely with the hormone insulin.
There are two types of diabetes:

Type 1 diabetes:

The body doesn’t make insulin by itself. You must inject the insulin.

Type 2 diabetes:

The body does not respond to the insulin. Oral medication is used so that the glucose reaches the cells. It’s also possible that that the cells will be susceptible to absorption of glucose by reducing the body weight.
If insulin can’t do its work, blood sugar will increase too much. In that case, the blood sugar remains in the blood and can’t be used as fuel. Because of that you’ll get tired, thirsty and you’ll need to urinate a lot. These things will happen because the body wants to get rid of the sugar from the blood in a different way.

It is therefore that it’s very important to treat diabetes as soon as possible and in a good way. Besides the problem with blood sugar, the cholesterol and blood pressure are often too high.
The pancreas makes insulin, which reaches the blood. Sometimes the body doesn’t produces insulin, or too little. In many cases, the body doesn’t react properly to insulin.

Blood sugar is officially called 'blood glucose'. No man can live without glucose, because that’s the fuel for the body on which all the muscles and organs to work. The body gets glucose from carbohydrates.
You can find carbohydrates in some sweet things like sugar and fruit, but also in vegetables, milk, bread and potatoes and other starches. The body makes glucose of carbohydrates; which enters the bloodstream as blood sugar and goes to all body cells for energy. But too much is not good.

In what products can you find sugars?

a.o milk, buttermilk, yoghurt and custard contain milk sugar (lactose). Fruits and juices contain fruit sugar (fructose). Biscuits, cakes, candy and soda contain pure sugar (sucrose). Bread, potatoes, legumes, cereals, pasta and rice contain carbs.

The role of the dietitian

The dietitian will explain the relation between food (especially carbohydrates) and the blood glucose value. Which food influences this and how can what’s the best way to eat it? We also provide information about hypos and hypers and what to do in each case. By also monitoring the weight and any other medical conditions, a balanced advise is drawn up. The dietician has regular meetings with assistant practitioners and/or diabetes nurse and/or general practitioner so that the treatment is optimal.

How can we help you?

Besides creating your personal dietary advice we assist you in familiarizing yourself with your new diet. We can create a light, moderate or strict low-carb diet and replace nutrients well with enough variation.
It’s sometimes difficult to contain and maintain that it should be a permanent healthy lifestyle. Coaching and periodic evaluation interviews with one of us can support you with this.
We can also give practical tips on how to combine your diet with sports, special occasions like parties, birthdays and holidays.