What is overweight?
Overweight means that a person weighs more than is good for his health.
By getting prolonged too many calories than needed, the weight increases. It's all about the balance between the amount of calories that are consumed and the amount of energy that the body uses. We call this the energy balance.
We can determine whether you have a healthy body weight by using the BMI, body mass index: weight (kg) ÷ height (m²). You want to calculate your BMI?
Underweight |
BMI of less than 18.5 |
Healthy weight |
BMI between 18.5 and 25 |
Overweight |
BMI between 25 and 30 |
Obesity |
BMI between 30 and 40 |
Morbid obesity |
BMI above 40 |
Bariatric Surgery
We regularly assist people who are in the preliminary stages of bariatric surgery and we report to and consult with the dietitians of the hospital or obesity clinics. Sometimes we see people after surgery in our practice. Lasting behavioral change can still be a present problem, it will not be taken away with a surgery.
If your BMI is higher than 30 or 40, with specific to obesity-related medical problems, such as diabetes, and you are approved by a multidisciplinary team, you are eligible for this kind of surgery. You probably thought about for years. A requirement is that you recently (3-4 years maximum) have been treated by a professional. If this is not the case, you will first have to visit a dietitian in your area for a period of 3 to up to 6 months. An advantage of this is that your diet is regular and healthy before you undergo surgery. You could also go back to the same dietitian for consultation after the surgery and the subsequent handling in the hospital. It may get a little bit harder for you and old habits may resurface when the weight loss stops while you still want to lose some kilos. In that case it’s good to have some assistance/support of someone that you already know and trust.
The role of the dietitian
How overweight has emerged is an important question to answer. Have you gained the weight gradually in recent years or is it something recently? Often you can judge for yourself what the pitfalls are. But how can you tackle them? The dietitian can give you some insight in the issues and practical tools to change this. Also bottlenecks like stress eating are included in the guidance. We do this so that you won’t fall back into your old habits when you’re sad, tired or suffer from stress.
What is the most common pitfall?
The most common pitfall is the snacks/snatch. Almost everyone feels a need to eat something between meals. But the chosen products often include too many calories, and often isn’t fully consumed by the body. Especially the evenings can be a pitfall. Finally some peace, time for yourself and then you think you are allowed to take something ...
Examples of wise snacks include fruit, dairy products, 1 sandwich, currant bun, raw vegetables, 1 grain bar or a handful of nuts.
How can we help you?
Changing your eating, drinking and exercise habits (lifestyle) is often quite drastic and often a matter of trial and error.
We can provide the best guidance herein.
After conducting a thorough food anamnesis, you’ll get a bespoke nutritional advice, taking your culture and taste preferences into account with multiple options for variety. In addition, you’ll get all sorts of tools on how to deal with special occasions like birthdays, parties, eating out and vacations. We’ll also teach you how to deal with stress eating. We offer you a guidance that may take longer, so that you’ll have experienced all situations and know how to deal with it. A lasting healthy lifestyle as the ultimate goal would be nice, right?