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Kidney diseases

What does kidney diseases mean?

Our kidneys are complex organs that have several important functions in our body. The most important function of the kidneys is to remove the toxin and fluid from the blood. If the kidneys aren’t successful enough in doing this, you speak of as renal impairment. This can occur suddenly (acute) or slowly and insidious (chronic). Renal impairment is a serious condition.  

Acute renal impairment

In case of acute renal impairment, the kidneys are suddenly no longer able to remove the toxin from the body sufficiently.
Sometimes the kidneys recover after an acute insufficiency, but it may also occur that the damage is permanent or get worse. This will be considered as a chronic renal impairment.

Chronic renal impairment

In case of chronic renal impairment, the kidneys work insufficiently and there is no prospect of recovery. This may be the result of acute renal impairment. But high blood pressure, diabetes or congenital defects of the kidneys can also cause chronic renal impairment. One of the first symptoms is protein in the urine. In a later stage,  accumulation of toxins in the body can cause nausea and loss of appetite.

The role of the dietitian

In addition to the medication, following a modified eating pattern also reduces the complaints and discomforts. A diet can even slow down the deterioration of the kidneys. The dietitian will, together with the patient, create a diet in order to get a healthy balance between his/her wishes and requirements regarding protein, sodium, potassium, phosphate and water.


In what products can you find potassium?

Almost all foods contain potassium. Important sources of potassium are potatoes, bread, milk, meat (products) and vegetables.
When potatoes and vegetables are cooked with a lot of water, the potassium will be lost.

In what products can you find phosphorus/phosphate?

Phosphorus occurs in nearly all nutrition. Milk, fish, meat and bread contain relatively more phosphorus. Also, phosphorus is added to foods as a binder in the form of phosphate salt.  

With what can we help you?  

Your diet will sometimes have to change dramatically if your kidneys suddenly deteriorated. We can, together with you, develop a personal diet for you. We’ll give a lot of variation possibilities, so that you’ll still feel that there’s a lot of choice.