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Who can call himself a dietician? 

What is and what does the dietician? 
Dietician: medically qualified person who is involved in giving dietary instructions (van Dale). 
A dietician has completed a four-year HBO course in Nutrition & Dietetics and must be registered in the Quality Register.
A dietician isn’t someone who points with the finger to what isn’t allowed. The opposite is true; a dietician has a lot of knowledge and creativity to guide you in your new diet.






In addition to drawing up your personal diet, we guide you in familiarizing yourself with this 'new' diet. It’s sometimes difficult to understand and maintain that it must become a healthy lifestyle. Coaching and periodic evaluation interviews with one of us can support you in this. We can also give you practical tips such as what to eat before/after working out, on special occasions such as parties and birthdays and holidays.
All three of us are registered in the Paramedics Quality Register.


